Upcoming SHARP Logger Training
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SHARP Logger Core Programs
To achieve SHARP Logger standing, participants must complete both core classes for a total of 12 credit hours. Core Classes are offered as a pair, but can be taken in either order and at any location. For more information, call 540-231-6494 or e-mail Karen Snape.
- Patrick County: Tuesday, April 1 & Wednesday, April 2, 2025.
SHARP Logger Continuing Education Programs
Continuing Education classes are for individuals who have completed the core program. To maintain their standing, SHARP Loggers must earn 8 credit hours of continuing education (CE) training during each two year period following the completion of the core classes, including a REQUIRED SHARP Logger Update Class. For more information, call 540-231-6494 or e-mail Karen Snape.
Required SHARP Logger Update Class: 2 CE Credit Hours
- Clifton Forge: Wednesday, March 19. Followed by Trucking Safety Refresher
- King & Queen: Friday, April 4. Followed by Topics in Sustainable Forestry.
- Halifax: Friday, April 11. As part of the Huber Logger Appreciation Event. Space limited.
- Culpeper: Thursday, April 17. Followed by Topics in Sustainable Forestry.
- Online: the required Update is available on the Online Training page, under the 1-credit classes.
Other SHARP Logger Continuing Education Programs
- Trucking Safety Refresher (2 CE credits) Clifton Forge, 3/19/2025, following the SHARP Logger Update Class.
- Tour of Huber Mill (2 CE credits) Halifax, 4/11/2025, Huber Logger Appreciation Event. Lunch provided. Space limited.
- Topics in Sustainable Forestry (2 CE credits) King & Queen, 4/4/2025 and Culpeper, 4/17/2025. Following the SHARP Logger Update Classes.
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Other Opportunities
- Think something you attended should count for Continuing Education credits? Check the SHARP Logger Requirements and use the CE Form, along with a certificate, sign-in sheet, agenda, or other proof to request credit.
More Information